A key part of our constitution is to educate and interest the public in music, particularly choral music, by the presentation of concerts and other activities.
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The John and Barbara Beaumont Bursary and Prize 2020
Below is an account of the inauguration of the BDCS Bursary and Prize for young classical musicians in 2018. The Society hoped to hold a second competition in January 2020 but regrets to announce that this has had to be cancelled.
Saturday 20th January, 2018 , 7:30PM
Lydia Ward is a mezzo soprano from Nottinghamshire and she will be accompanied by pianist John Keys. Her programme is Er, der Herrlichste von allen (He, the most wonderful off all) by Schumann, A Charm and The Nurse’s Song by Britten and the Laudamus Te (We praise the O Lord) from Mozart’s Mass in C Minor.
Olivia Slatter is a soprano from Leicestershire and she will be accompanied by pianist Christine Slomkowska. Her programme is O mio babbino caro (O my beloved father) from Gianni Schicchi by Puccini, Caro mio ben (My dear beloved) by Giordano, O Waly Waly, traditional, arranged by Britten and When she loved me by Randy Newman, from Toy Story 2. (Unfortunately Olivia was unwell and unable to perform).
Katharine Ley is a cellist from Lincolnshire, and she will be accompanied by pianist Fangbin Xia. Her programme is First movement, 2nd Cello Sonata by Boccherini and Fantasiestucke (Fantasy pieces) Nos. 1, 2 and 3 by Schumann.
Ben Watkins is a bass from Nottingham and he will be accompanied by pianist Angela Foan. His programme is Amarilli Mia Bella (Amarillis my love) by Caccini, King David by Howells, The Ploughboy, traditional, arranged by Britten and Is my team ploughing? by Butterworth.
Emily Hodkinson is a mezzo soprano from Nottingham and she will also be accompanied by Angela Foan. Her programme is Que-fais tu, blanche tourterelle? (What are you doing, white turtle-dove?) from Roméo et Juliette by Gounod, Die Mainacht (The May night) by Brahms, Thy Hand Belinda and When I am laid in earth, from Dido and Aeneas by Purcell and À Chloris (To Chloris) by Hahn.
Eleanor Rashid is a soprano from Leicestershire and she will be accompanied by pianist Stephen Perrins. Her programme is Tornami a vagheggiar (Come back to me) from Handel’s Alcina, Let the florid music praise, from On this island by Britten, Allerseelen (All Soul’s Day) by Richard Strauss and Saper vorreste (You would like to know) from Un Ballo in Maschera (A Masked Ball) by Verdi.

- Barker College Choir, Sydney, Australia
- Concertkoor KOV Groningen, Holland
- Kortrijk Vocaal Ensemble, Kortrijk, Belgium
- Mansfield Choral Society
- Music for Everyone
- Newark Choral Society (Site currently unavailable)
- Scunthorpe Choral Society
- Southwell Choral Society
- Radcliffe on Trent Male Voice Choir
- Radcliffe Ladies’ Choir